
张伟、刘雪梦等在《Energy Policy》发表论文

来源:122cc太阳集成游戏 发布时间:2022-04-08 点击次数:

近期,122cc太阳集成游戏张伟教授与博士生刘雪梦(通讯作者)、硕士生王蝶等人合作撰写的论文《Digital economy and carbon emission performance: Evidence at China’s city level》已经由《Energy Policy》在线发表。《Energy Policy》由Elsevier出版,是JCR分区SSCI经济学一区期刊,也是中科院期刊分区“管理科学”大类一区TOP类期刊。目前该期刊的影响因子为6.142。


Wei Zhang,Xuemeng Liu,Die Wang,Jianping Zhou.Digital economy and carbon emission performance:Evidence at China’s city level[J].Energy Policy,2022,165,112927.


This paper discusses the effect and mechanisms of digital economy (diec) on carbon emission performance (cop).Specifically, based on the panel data of 277 cities in China from 2011 to 2019, carbon emission performance and digital economy at the city level were evaluated through global super efficiency Epsilon-Based Measure (EBM) with unexpected output, and the vertical and horizontal scatter degree method, respectively. The OLS, mediation effect model, threshold model and spatial Durbin model (SDM) were adopted to investigate the nexus of diec and cop. The results show that: First, digital economy improves carbon emission performance, and this conclusion holes even after a series of robustness tests and endogenous treatment. The main impact mechanisms are energy intensity (ei), energy consumption scale (ec) and urban afforestation. And the effect and its impact mechanisms show regional heterogeneity. Second, under different levels of energy consumption structure, ei, ec, government intervention and urban afforestation, the impact of diec on cop is non-linear. Third, there’s a spatial effect between diec and cop. The impact of diec on cop is significantly positive in local cities, while insignificant in the neighboring cities. Based on the above conclusions, specific recommendations are proposed for diec to improve cop..


The development level of digital economy of 277 cities in China was estimated.Global super-efficiency EBM model was employed to measure carbon emission performance.The nexus of digital economy and carbon emission performance (cop) was investigated.Digital economy improves cop, but with non-linear and spatial effects.Enhance the integration of digital economy with carbon emission reduction.


张伟,122cc太阳集成游戏学科领军人才,教授(二级),博士生导师,研究方向为绿色金融与生态经济。先后主持国家社会科学重大项目、重点项目、一般项目等国家级研究项目7项,在《Energy Policy》《Applied Energy》《Energy》《Environmental Impact Assessment Review》《管理世界》《金融研究》等发表论文100多篇,获得教育部、省政府社会科学优秀成果奖10多项。联系方式:15377093975,cfy0510@163.com。

刘雪梦,122cc太阳集成游戏应用经济学2020级博士生,研究方向为绿色金融与生态经济。先后在《Energy Policy》《Environmental Impact Assessment Review》《中国土地科学》等期刊上发表论文10余篇。参与国家社会科学基金重点项目、国家社会科学基金一般项目以及陕西省社会科学基金项目等项目多项。联系方式:Amsonlxm@126.com。

王蝶,122cc太阳集成游戏应用经济学2019级硕士生,研究方向为绿色金融与生态经济。在《Energy Policy》《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》《中国土地科学》等期刊发表论文3篇。参与国家社会科学基金重点项目和一般项目2项。联系方式:15387161519,wendy100720@163.com。