朱镇,赵晶,Bush, A. A(外) The effects of e-business processes in supply chain operations: Process component and value creation mechanisms
122cc太阳集成游戏朱镇老师在T1级别期刊——《International Journal of Information Management》上发表题为“The effects of e-business processes in supply chain operations: Process component and value creation mechanisms”。论文第一作者朱镇为122cc太阳集成游戏教授,博士生导师。
Abstract / 摘要:
Using a process component lens, this paper decomposes an e-business process into technical, relational, and business components. We then draw on resource orchestration theory to identify two managerial actions, resources structuring and capabilities leveraging in using e-business process components, to explain how these three components work together to improve competitive performance in supply chain operations. Two interesting insights emerge from our empirical research corresponds to value creation mechanisms. First, we identify the critical three portfolio effects to promote platform architecture flexibility and partner engagement to develop e-business operations capabilities (EBOCs) in three major e-business processes. Second, we reveal the transformation effect of EBOCs in different e-business processes in obtaining competitive performance. The notion of portfolio and transformation mechanisms of e-business process components offers theoretical and practical implications for developing successful digital supply chain platform.