程胜: How economic policy uncertainty affects asymmetric spillovers in food and oil pric.

来源:122cc太阳集成游戏 发布时间:2024-12-03 点击次数:

程胜: How economic policy uncertainty affects asymmetric spillovers in food and oil pric.

122cc太阳集成游戏程胜老师在T1级别期刊——《Resources Policy》上发表题为“How economic policy uncertainty affects asymmetric spillovers in food and oil pric”。论文作者程胜为122cc太阳集成游戏教授、博士生导师。

Abstract /摘要

Inthe context of potentialasymmetricvolatilityspilloversbetween two crucial commodity markets,oilandfood, little is known about the vital role played bypolicyuncertainties. This study explores the heterogeneous roles ofpolicyuncertainties onspilloversbetween crudeoiland corn and soybeans under good and bad volatility regimesfromboth time and frequency domain perspectives. We find, first, thatoil-foodmarketspilloversareasymmetric, time-varying and crisis-sensitive. Second, the time-frequency dependence betweenpolicyuncertainties and oilfood volatilityspilloversis prominentinthe context of major international events. Third, monetarypolicyuncertainty(TPU) weaklyaffectstheoil-foodspillover system. Still,inthe long run,economicpolicyuncertainty(EPU) and fiscalpolicyuncertainty(FPU) exert significant positive effects, while monetarypolicyuncertainty(MPU) is negative.Inaddition, there is considerable heterogeneityinthe roles played bypolicyuncertaintiesinthe specific crudeoil-foodpairwisespillovers. Our study has important implications for policymakers to avoid large-scale cross-market spillover transmission and for investors to hedge risks and construct appropriate portfolios.


How economic policy uncertainty affects asymmetric spillovers in food and oil pric


Cao, Yan; Cheng, Sheng; Li, Xinran

Keywords /关键词

Oil volatilityFood volatilityEconomic policy uncertaintyAsymmetric effectsWavelet coherence


