CaixiaTan, Ph. D.
在课题承担方面,参与1项国家自然科学基金面上项目、1项教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目、1项北京市社科基金重点项目,多次作为主要研究人员参与国家电网、南方电网委托的横向课题,课题经费超300万。在学术论文方面,以第一作者发表期刊论文10篇(含2篇地大T1,3篇地大T2,2篇地大T3)。在学术兼职方面,担任Applied Energy、Energy、Journal of Cleaner Production等多个国际著名期刊的匿名评审人。
(1)谭彩霞,谭忠富,杨佳澄,等.“双碳”目标下风光水火联合上网电价机制设计[J], 2023.系统工程理论与实践. (地大T1,国家自然科学基金委管理科学A级重要期刊)
(2)TanCaixia,TanQingbo, GengShiping, et al. Multi-timescale interaction of a coupled electricity-hydrogen-gas system with a distribution network considering dynamic games[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society. (地大T1,IF=10.5,已检索)
(3)Tan Caixia, TanZhongfu, Yin Zhe, et al. Study on grid price mechanism of new energy power stations considering market environment[J]. RenewableEnergy,2023,203. (地大T2,IF=8.7,已检索)
(4)Tan Caixia,Yu Min,Wang Jing, et al. Feasibility study on the construction of multi-energy complementary systems in rural areas—Eastern, central, and western parts of China are taken as examples[J]. Energy,2022,249. (地大T2,IF=9,已检索)
(5)Tan Caixia,Wang Jing, GengShiping, et al. Three-level market optimization model of virtual power plant with carbon capture equipment considering copula–CVaR theory[J]. Energy,2021,237. (地大T2,IF=9,已检索)
(6)Tan Caixia, GengShiping, Zhao Zihao, et al. Multi time scale operation optimization of EHHGS considering equipment uncertainty and response characteristics[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023,382. (地大T3,IF=11.1,已检索)
(7)Tan Caixia,TanZhongfu,WangGuanran, et al. Business model of virtual power plant considering uncertainty and different levels of market maturity[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2022,362. (地大T3,IF=11.1,已检索)
(8)Tan Caixia, GengShiping, TanZhongfu, et al. Integrated energy system–Hydrogen natural gas hybrid energy storage system optimization model based on cooperative game under carbon neutrality[J]. Journal of Energy Storage,2021,38. (SCI检索二区TOP, IF= 9.4)
(9)Tan Caixia, TanZhongfu, Du Yida, et al. Feasibility evaluation of virtual power plants participating in rural Energy Internet under zoning and stratification using prospect theory[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2023,144. (SCI检索二区TOP, IF=5.659)