2017年5月26日—28日 中国· 武汉·
会 议 通 知
会议背景:武汉电子商务国际会议是国际信息系统协会附属会议(An affiliated conference of the Association for Information Systems , AIS),从2000年至今已经成功举办十五届,并成为一个促进和发展全球电子商务研究,推动交流与合作的学术年会。第十六届武汉电子商务国际会议将于2017年5月26-28日召开,通过汇集电子商务、信息技术和管理变革等领域的新思想和新发现,激励学术研究和企业实践的蓬勃发展。年会旨在IS领域展现创新性的科学研究成果和具有挑战性的实践与经历,促进跨学科的研究发现,分享不同国家和地区的经验。
征文类型:完成的研究论文( Completed Research Papers)和进展论文(Research-in-Progress Papers)都可以提交,在研究方法上欢迎采用案例、建模、实证、现场,问卷调查或实验研究方法完成的研究成果。会议语言为英语,会议期间举办多个研讨会和论坛。AIS eLibrary(http://aisel.aisnet.org/)将全文收录本届会议论文。从第三届会议开始,论文集均被CPCI-S或CPCI-SSH检索,本届会议论文集除了提交到ISI申请CPCI-S或CPCI-SSH检索。
国际期刊推荐:本届会议将挑选部分优秀论文在多个国际期刊出版专刊(special Issue),包括《Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 》(SSCI检索) 、《Electronic Markets-The International Journal on Networked business》(SSCI检索)、《Electronic Commerce Research》(SSCI检索)、《International Journal of Services Technology and Management》(EI检索),《International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations》(EI检索)等。
l Economics of multi-sided platforms
l Strategies of platform owners
l Strategies of supply-side firms in platform ecosystems
l Platform governance and coordination
l Regulation and policies regarding platform-centered ecosystems or industries
l Platform openness in different industrial contexts
l Other topics related to digital platform
Track Co-Chairs
Nianxin Wang, Associate Professor, Department Chair, China
Xing Wan, Associate Professor, Director of Department of Business Administration, China
l Omnichannel strategies and business models
l Value creation and capturing in omnichannel businesses
l Effects of innovative technologies (e.g., social media, mobile devices, context-aware computing applications, in-store digital solutions and wearable technologies) on omnichannel businesses
l Omnichannel retailing and shopper behavior
l Social commerce
l Pricing, promotion, marketing, brand building in channel integration
l Supply chain management and operation management in omnichannel business
l Data analytics in omnichannel businesses
l Consumer engagement and satisfaction in omnichannel business
l Service quality in omnichannel business
l Supply chain redesign with “buy-online-pick-up-in-store” “showrooming” etc.
l Consumer migration and choice across channels
l The impact of free-riding or showrooming behavior on retailing
l Omnichannel supply chain coordination
Track Co-Chairs
Yi Wang, Professor, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China
Yongmei Liu, Professor, Central South University, China
Si Shi, Lecturer, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China
l How do digital technologies facilitate firms to acquire or create new ideas and knowledge (e.g., knowledge production, and crowdsourcing of ideation)?
l How do digital technologies supports firms in new product development processes (e.g., computer-aided design, digital features, and prototyping test)?
l How do digital technologies enables firms to offer new services or considerably improve the quality of service offerings?
l How do digital technologies are used to develop new business models and change the competitive landscapes in an industry?
l New methodologies that are suitable for digital innovation research
Track Co-Chairs
John Qi Dong, Associate Professor, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Chia-Han Yang, Associate Professor, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
l Consumer behavior in rural e-business
l Supply chain management of agro-product
l E-business model of fresh agro-product
l Mobile commerce in rural area
l Social commerce in agricultural product
l The development of e-business village
l Food safety management in agro-product e-business
l Agile/Smart agriculture and IOT
l Tracking and traceable system in food supply chain
Track Co-Chairs
Dehua He, Associate Professor, College of Economics & Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Jiabao Lin, Professor, College of Economics & Management, South China Agricultural University, China
l IT project success and metrics
l Knowledge networks in projects
l Virtual project management
l Distributed project management
l Agile project management
l IT project management methodologies
l IT project management practices and standards
l IT project leadership
l IT project quality metrics
l Multidisciplinary researches related to IT project management
Track Co-Chairs
Xiaobo (Bob) Xu, Associate Professor, The American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
Weiyong Zhang, Associate Professor, Old Dominion University, VA, USA
l Social media and workplace relationship
l Social media and information security
l Social media and human resource management
l The role of social media in work-related communication and collaboration
l The relationship between social media and knowledge management in the workplace
l The effects of social media on workforce productivity, innovativeness, and effectiveness
l Work-life balance in workplace enabled by social media
l New organizational work issues arising from the use of social media in the workplace
l Positive and negative sides of using social media at workplace
l New theories and methodologies to describe and explain the phenomenon of using social media in workplace
Track Co-Chairs
Hefu Liu, Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Qian Huang, Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology of China, China
l Cutting-edge technologies (such as big data, clouding, virtual or augmented reality, etc.) in e-Business
l Novel business models (such as sharing economy, social commerce, crowdsourcing, etc.) in e-Business
l Impact and value of e-Business on our society’s grand challenges (such as energy or food security, environmental change, health and well-being, etc.)
l Conducting e-Business research in a novel and interesting way, either from theoretical or methodological perspectives
l Other emerging issues in e-Business
Track Co-Chairs
Zhongyun (Phil) Zhou, Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, China
Xiao-Ling Jin, Associate Professor, School of Management, Shanghai University, China
Xiao-Liang Shen, Associate Professor, Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, China
Yongqiang Sun, Associate Professor, School of Information Management, Wuhan University, China
l New theory and perspective for the adoption and diffusion of disruptive information technologies
l State of the art and new business models using disruptive information technologies
l Success and failure factors of augmented/virtual reality applications and games
l Big Data-driven services
l Issues on emerging medical information technologies
l Legal and political issues of disruptive information technologies
l Diffusion barriers of self-driving cars
l Financial Technology (FinTech) services
l Individual, business and social Impacts of disruptive technologies
l The benefits and risks of adopting cloud computing services
l Cross cultural issues related to disruptive information technologies
l The role of disruptive information technologies in creating and sustaining business ecosystems
Track Co-Chairs
Younghoon Chang, Assistant Professor, Division of Business and Management, BNU-HKBU United International College, Korean (South)
Hwansoo Lee, Research Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in IT LAW, Dankook University, Korean (South)
Shan Wang, Associate Professor, Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
l Internet and networked solutions for superior healthcare delivery.
l Evaluation of mobile Apps.
l Mobile health solutions and Meaningful Use.
l Techniques such as genetic algorithms and machine learning to address privacy, security and data accuracy issues with mobile apps.
l Safety guidelines and principles.
l Technology use to better manage healthcare data/information/knowledge.
l EMRs and physician/clinician portals and how they integrate mobile devices.
l The management of information and knowledge in integrated mobile healthcare systems.
l Design, development, adoption and diffusion of eHealth applications.
l Designing healthcare organizations, systems and processes to incorporate eHealth solutions.
l Mobile solutions for chronic disease management.
l Mobile solutions in developing countries.
l eHealth and emergency and disaster relief.
l Serious games and mobile devices.
l Wearable device applications.
l Apps to assist learning for both patients and medical professionals.
l Evaluation and assessment of eHealth solutions.
Track Co-Chairs
Doug Vogel, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Professor, Epworth HealthCare & Deakin University, Australia
l Customer relationship management in operations &s; service
l Inter-organization cooperation and management
l Supply chain integration and agility
l Marketing service and brand satisfaction
l Service and value co-creation
l Service economics and risk management
l Digital value co-creation with customers
l Service requirements analysis
l Customer-centered operations management
l Financial supply chain innovation
l Other topics about operations and services management
Track Co-Chairs
Juergen Seitz, Professor, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Heidenheim, Germany
Wilfred V. Huang, Professor, Alfred University, USA
l Business model innovation based on social network
l Motives behind consumer behavior in social commerce, e.g., response to marketing/promotion strategies, privacy issues...
l Value co-creation by consumer, enterprise and social media
l Trust building and transferring in social networks
l Theory and analysis of online and offline social networks
l Information sharing, dissemination and diffusion
l Digital interactions and collaboration in social networks
l Content analysis and understanding in social networks
l Development and use of social media analytics in commerce contexts (e.g. design science approaches, the computational turn; big data methods
Track Co-Chairs
Yaobin Lu, Professor, Associate Dean, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
Jiang Wu, Professor, Wuhan University, China
Ling Zhao, Associate Professor, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
l Adoption, diffusion and assimilation of health services and applications
l Safety, security and privacy of health services and applications
l Tired health service delivery
l Customer value of health services and applications
l Health information seeking behavior
l Standardization of health services and applications
l 5. Big data innovation in health industry
l Impacts of big data on health services providers, patients and governors
l Clinical, public health and genomic data integration
l Public and global health
l Medical informatics
l Smart health
l Enlarged health
l Healthcare analytics
Track Co-Chairs
Yaobin Lu, Professor, Associate Dean of School of Management, School of Management, Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech, China
Zhaohua Deng, Associate Professor, Associate Director of Health Information Management Research Center, School of Medicine and Health Management, Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech, China
Shan Liu, Professor, Associate Director of of Shaanxi Engineering Research Center of Medical and Health Big Data, School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
l Innovative scientific approaches to improve the methodologies for insight-driven data processing and analytics, for example, unstructured text mining and deep machine learning; large-scale network data and visual analytics (on traffic, social media, congestion, housing, etc.); explanatory statistics and econometrics.
l Business and public policies that tackle the 'dark side' of big data, for example, information leakages, information fraud, privacy infringement, cybersecurity violation, and related topics — with some empirical analysis involved.
l Sustainability of innovative business models for online healthcare, Internet finance and fintech innovations, online selling and education, group-buying, smart city management, transportation, crowdfunding, and other areas.
l Data analytics that cut across business and public policy areas, including urban management and sustainability, air quality and pollution, and congestion, population and quality of life — all reflecting some of the newest smarter nation issues that data analytics address.
Track Co-Chairs
Qiuhong Wang, Assistant Professor, Singapore Management Univ., School of Information Systems, China
Kanliang Wang, Professor of Mgmt Sci and Engineering; Associate Dean, Renmin University, China
Chee Wei Phang, Professor, Fudan University, China
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2. 严格按照论文格式要求撰写和提交论文(见会议提交指南页面),通过会议网站的网上投稿系统提交论文,会议网址:http://www.whiceb.com
3. 为保证被录用的论文收录进会议论文集以及作者到会宣读论文,被录用论文作者请务必在2017年3月15日之前完成注册。
Electronic Commerce Research (SSCI)
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (SSCI)
Electronic Markets-The International Journal on Networked business (SSCI)
International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management (EI)
International Journal of Information Technology and Management (EI)
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations (EI)
International Journal of Services Technology and Management (EI)
The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research
Juergen Seitz, Professor, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University
Heidenheim, Germany seitz@dhbw-heidenheim.de
Doug Vogel教授, AIS主席(2012-2013), 哈尔滨工业大学 isdoug@hit.edu.cn
Wilfred V. Huang, Professor, Alfred University, U.S.A. fhuang@alfred.edu
Yiliu (Paul) Tu, Professor, University of Calgary, Canada paultu@ucalgary.ca
主席:Joey George, Professor of Iowa State University, USA, AIS President 2010-2011, Chair of ICIS2012
Robert Kauffman, Professor, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Patrick Chau, Professor, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Robert Kauffman, Professor, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Wei Kwok Kee, Professor, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Ting-Peng Liang, Professor, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
马费成教授, 武汉大学,中国
Michael D. Myers, Professor, AIS President 2006-2007, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Bernard Tan, Professor, AIS President 2009-2010, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Professor, Deakin University, Australia
J. Leon Zhao, Professor, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Bob Carasik, Wells Fargo Bank, USA
Weiguo Fan, Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Joey George, Professor, AIS President 2010-2011, Iowa State University, USA
Zhangxi Lin, Professor, Texas Tech University, USA
Ning Nan, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada
Paul A. Pavlou, Professor, Temple University, USA
Arun Rai, Professor, Editor in Chief of MISQ, Georgia State University, USA
Richard Watson, Professor, University of Georgia, USA
Han Zhang, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
David Avison, Professor, ESSEC, France
Niels Bjorn-Andersen, Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Marco De Marco, Professor, Università Cattolica, Italy
Reima Suomi, Professor, Turku School of Economics, Finland
Yao-Hua Tan, Professor, Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, Professor, FHS St. Gallen, University of Applied Sciences,
国外邮箱:wuhaniceb@gmail.com (Dr. Yao Zhang, & Dr. Xiaochuan Wang)
国内邮箱:whiceb2015@vip.163.com 或whiceb@aliyun.com (王菁老师)
联系电话:15392901957(王菁老师) ,15377555353(林露西老师,仅负责会议注册询问),
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