第一作者 |
题名 |
刊名 |
年 |
会议 |
单位 |
检索类别 |
帅传敏 |
China's new cooperation strategy with the World Food Programme: a SWOT Analysis |
Outlook on Agriculture |
2008 |
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) |
SCI光盘版期刊 |
帅传敏 |
Assessment of IFAD Project Sustainability for Rural Poverty Reduction in China |
2007 |
IEEE Communications, Services, Knowledge and Engineering Management |
122cc太阳集成游戏 |
EI检索 |
帅传敏 |
Research on the Management Efficiency of Poverty Reduction Projects in Rural China - Based on an Empirical Analysis of Different Models |
2008 |
IEEE Communications, Services, Knowledge and Engineering Management, WiCOM 2008 |
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) |
EI检索(核心版) |
帅传敏(第二) |
An Analysis of Enterprise Investment in On-the-Job Training |
2008 |
IEEE Communications, Services, Knowledge and Engineering Management, WiCOM 2008 |
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) |
EI检索(核心版) |
徐德义 |
Scaling properties of Feldspars and Quartz in Micro-images of ideal granites |
Journal of China University of Geosciences |
2008 |
统计系 |
徐德义(第三) |
Fractal Modeling of Sphaleriate Banding in Jinding Pb-Zn Deposit, Ynunan, Sothwestern China |
Journal of China University of Geosciences |
2008 |
统计系 |
吕军 |
International Journal of Business and Management |
Vol.3,No.7 July 2008-60 |
Research on the Development of the Recycle Treatment Industry of the Municipal Solid Wastes under the Background of China`s Urbanization |
张琦 |
4.Research on Construction Mode of Recycling Network of Reverse Logistics of Automobile Enterprises |
2008 |
International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering 2008 |
EI |
张琦 |
Modeling the recovery and re-use network within automobile reverse logistics system |
2008 |
2008 International conference of production and operation management |
EI |
於世为 |
A dynamic all parameters adaptive BP neural networks model and its application on oil reservoir prediction |
Applied Mathematics and Computation |
2008.195(1):66-75 |
SCI:260KL,EI核心:075010970937 |
於世为 |
Fuzzy Neural Network Applications on Estimating the Contribution of Different Education Levels on Human Capital of China |
Proceedings of IEEE ICSSM’07 June 9-11,2007,Chengdu,China |
2007.6:554-557 |
EI核心:081211151907,ISTP: BGX76 |
於世为 |
A hybrid GA-SA-BPNNs for human capital prediction of China regions |
Proceedings of IEEE ICIEA 2008, June 3-5,,Singapore |
2008.6:522-527 |
EI核心: 083911591053 ISTP: BIC09 |
於世为 |
Optimum coordinate number of clusters and best clustering in fuzzy C-means |
Proceedings of WCICA’08 , Jun 25-27,2008, Chongqing, China: |
2008.6:5776-5781 |
EI核心: 083911599285 ISTP: BIJ02 |
赵晶 |
An Empirical Study of E-Business Implementation Process in China |
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, |
2008, 55(1): 134-147 |
中国地质大学 |
SCI(光盘版)、SSCI和EI同时收录 |
赵晶 |
A Study of B2B E-Market in China: E-Commerce Process Perspective |
Information & Management |
2008,45:242-248 |
中国地质大学 |
SSCI、EI和SCI(扩展版)同时收录 |
赵晶(第二) |
Impact of Internal Factors on Information Technology Adoption: An Empirical Investigation of Chinese Firms |
《清华大学学报自然科学版》(英文版 |
2008, 13(3):318-322 |
中国地质大学 |
EI |
赵晶(第二) |
An E-Business Capabilities Perspective on E-Procurement Process Performance: An Empirical Investigation |
2008,May 31-June1, |
the Proceeding of the Seventh Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business |
中国地质大学 |
赵晶(第二) |
Characteristics of E-business Process Performance: An Empirical Study |
2008,May 31-June1, |
the Proceeding of the Seventh Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business |
中国地质大学 |
赵晶(第二) |
The Process of Integrated E-business Strategic Planning: A Resource-based View” |
2008,May 31-June1, |
the Proceeding of the Seventh Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business |
中国地质大学 |
郭海湘 |
Setting up Model of Forecasting Core Reservoir Parameters by Fusion of Soft Computing Methods |
vol4,2007,8:165-169 |
The 3rd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'07) |
EI |
郭海湘 |
Data driven for feature selection based on fusion with soft computing |
2008,146-148 |
The 7th world congress on intelligent control and automation |
EI |
熊英 |
Empirical research on influencing factors of supplier partnerships---Based on Henan Xinfei Electrical Appliance Co., LTD |
2008生产与运作国际学术会议录用 |
王广民 |
An Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Solving Bilevel Linear Programming Problem |
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics |
2007,28(12):1605-1612 |
EI |
王广民 |
最优发电企业数量与规模的二层规划模型 |
武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版) |
2007,31(6):999-1002 |
Ei |
王广民 |
Genetic algorithm based on simplex method for solving linear-quadratic bilevel programming problem |
Computers & Mathematics with Applications |
2008,56 :2550–2555 |
Ei(核心),Sci(光盘版) |
王广民 |
A neural network approach for solving nonlinear bilevel programming problem |
Computers & Mathematics with Applications |
2008,55 :2550–2555 |
Ei(核心),Sci(光盘版) |
陈莲芳 |
Research on Trust Problems and Countermeasures in China C2C E-Commerce |
VolumeⅡ:1837-1848 |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference On E-Business |
陈莲芳 |
Innovation in China Jewellery Marketing under Electronic Commerce |
VolumeⅠ:115-122 |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference On E-Business |
庄小丽 |
Forecast Model of Market Scale based on Grey Theory-Case Study on On-line Tourism In China |
June 27-30 2008 |
Industry Cluster and Meta-Studies Proceedings of International Conference on Industry Cluster Development and Management |
中国地质大学 |
董淑霞 |
2008.3 |
China Private Economy Innovation International Forum |
中国地质大学 |
董淑霞 |
Analysis and research on hotel revenue management - Taking Wuhan city's star hotels as examples |
2008.7 |
International Symposium on China Hospitality Management and Business Information |
中国地质大学 |
A research of the internal service recovery of a hotel according to "Deming's 14 points" |
中国地质大学 |
梁玥琳 |
An Empirical Research on Leisure Behavior at Recreational Waterfront in China: Based on the Website Survey |
2319-2322 |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business |
中国地质大学 |
梁玥琳 |
Response of Regional Tourist Flow to Informational Space: Example of JiuZhaiGou Valley |
3113-3118 |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business |
中国地质大学 |
李江敏 |
Satisfaction of Urban Dwellers on Recreation around Metropolis |
The seventh E-business conference |
2008.5 |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business |
中国地质大学 |
鄢志武 |
A Preliminary Study on E-Business System of World Geoparks in China |
2008 |
第七届武汉电子商务国际会议 |
中国地质大学122cc太阳集成游戏 |
王萍 |
An Empirical Research on Person-Organization fit: A Study in Chinese High-Tech Organization Context |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business: Unlocking the Full Potential of Global Technology |
2008 |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business |
中国地质大学122cc太阳集成游戏 |
李江敏 |
Expectation-perceived performance of urban dwellers in ReBAM: An empirical research on Wuhan city |
Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) |
2008 |
EI |
赵晶 |
Investigation of Critical Success Factors in e-Business Adoption by Chinese Travel Firms: A Resource-based Perspective” |
May31- June1,2008, pp 3521-3524 |
the Proceeding of Seventh Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB2008) |
余敬 |
The sustainability of China’s major mining cities |
Resources Policy |
2008, 33(1):12-22 |
张治河 |
Construction and Analysis of the University Innovation System: the Case of Hubei Province |
Zhejiang Gongshang University Press,Hangzhou,2008.5,P357-364 |
Proceedings of Hangzhou Conference on Management of Technology(MOT 2008), Zhejiang GongShang University Press |
翁克瑞 |
Evolutionary Algorithms for Multiple Allocation Hub Set Covering Problem |
2008 |
School of Management, China University of Geo-sciences |
EI( 083411465010) |
郭明晶 |
An Extensible Architecture for Personalized Information Services in An Ambient Intelligence Environment |
EI |
郭明晶 |
An Architecture for Digital Library Information Service in An Ambient Intelligence Environment |
EI |
程胜 |
Self-organization Model About Energy Technology Innovation Processes |
The 2008 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering,Taipei |
2008 |
The 2008 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering,Taipei |
统计系 |
周远祺 |
Towards value orientated core competence choosing and forming a portfolio decision analysis tool |
Ube, JAPAN, DEC 05-06, 2007 |
4th International Conference on Innovation and Management |
China Univ Geosci, Sch Management, Wuhan 430074, Peoples R China |
Xiao,JZ肖建忠 |
The entrepreneurial process in technology-based ventures:The case in pre-startup stage |
AUG 03-05,2007 |
6th International Conference on Management |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China |
Hu,HM胡怀敏 |
Female entrepreneurship in China:Evidence from Hubei province's cases more options |
AUG 03-05,2007 |
6th International Conference on Management |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China |
付晓灵 |
Review on Influence Factors of the Employers’Satisfaction for Construction Business Based on the SEM |
2008年5月 |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business |
刘耕 |
A multi-objective genetic algorithm for determining facility location of solid wastes |
2007 Aug 24-27 P431-435 |
ICNC 2007 |
华中科技大学 |
EI |
Kejun Zhu |
A better estimate to the contribution rate of education on economic growth in China from 1999 to 2003 |
Expert Systems with Applications,2008,34(2):1371-1383 |
侯祖兵 |
An Empirical Study on the Factors of Cyber Consumer Behavior |
2008.5 |
Proceedings of the 7th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China |
张欣 |
The framework of knowledge management implementation in software Enterprise |
2008.5 |
Proceedings of the 7th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China |
周国华 |
The Research of Industrial Innovation Resources and Innovation Policy - Based on the Industry Life Cycle |
Tianjin,2008.5,p401-407 |
2008 International Symposium on Marketing(ISM2008) Proceedings, Research and Practice of Service Marketing Management in New-economy Era |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China |
周国华 |
The Status Quo and Trend Analysis of Service Innovation Research |
Zhengzhou, P.R. China, China Machine Press,2008.09,pp1484-1492 |
The proceedings of the 15thInternational Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM2008) |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China |
周国华 |
The Research on the Evaluation Model of University Independent Innovation Capability |
Zhejiang Gongshang University Press,Hangzhou,2008.5,P374-379 |
Proceedings of Hangzhou Conference on Management of Technology(MOT 2008), Zhejiang GongShang University Press |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China |
周国华 |
The Study on Management Innovation Model of Small-Medium Enterprises---Take Hengdian Group& LINIX Co.,Ltd for example |
2008.1 |
10th West Lake International Conference on Small & Medium Business (WLICSMB 2008) |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China |
刘宇清 |
Research on Financial Support for Entrepreneurship in Wuhan |
2008.5 |
Proceedings of the 7th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China |
宋丹霞 |
Performance Evaluation of Professional Service Supply Chain based upon DEA&AHP Models |
2008 |
Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operation and Logistics and Informatics |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China |
宋丹霞 |
Research on Service Supply Chain in the Perspective of Professional Service outsourcing |
2008 |
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China |
宋丹霞 |
Research on Performance Evaluation System of Service Supply Chain |
2008 |
Proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Industrial Management |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China |
刁凤琴 |
Study on Petroleum Output Predication Based on RBFNN-Markov Theories |
2008.2卷:1068-1073 |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference On E-Business |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430075,Peoples R China |
王柏轩 |
The study on Investigation of Entrepreneurial Environment in Wuhan |
The Proceedings of the Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 2008.5 |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430076,Peoples R China |
宋凡 |
Assessing Regional Disparity of Independent Innovation Capability of Regional High-tech Manufacturing in China |
Seventh Wuhan International Conference On E-Business |
2008 |
Wetland Landscape pattern evolvement character and its driving mechanism based on TM images of Hubei province |
Geoinformatics 2007,Proc. Of SPIE vol.6752 67523B-1-11 |
Dynamic evolution study of wetland landscape pattern in Wuhan urban based on TM images |
Of SPIE vol.6790 67902L-1-8 |
The Fifth International Symposium on Multispeltral Image Processing &Pattern Recognition,Proc |
屈文彬 |
On Legal System of the Internet Banking Supervision |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430076,Peoples R China |
曹桂华 |
The Present Conditions and Strategy on the Development of China’s IC Industry |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430076,Peoples R China |
诸克军 |
Application of Takagi-Sugeon fuzzy to regional economy modeling |
Nov 18-20 2007 p974-977 |
Proceedings of 2007IEEE international Conference on Grey Systems and intelligent Services,GSIS 2007 |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430077,Peoples R China |
EI |
诸克军 |
Using fuzzy system to establish regional economy input- output model |
SEP 21-25 207 P3276-3279 |
WICOM 2007 |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430078,Peoples R China |
EI |
诸克军 |
Optimum harmonic number of clusters and best clustering in fuzzy C-Means |
Oct 5-7 2006 p369-374 |
ICMSE'06(13th) |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430079,Peoples R China |
EI |
诸克军 |
A soft computing method to estimate the effect of production factors on economic groeth |
sep 25-28 2007 p4337-4343 |
CEC 2007 |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430080,Peoples R China |
EI |
诸克军 |
The optimal cluster number of FCM in complex economic systems |
jun 1-6 2008 p766-770 |
FUZZ 2008 |
China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430081,Peoples R China |
EI |
序号 |
论文题目 |
期刊名称 |
作者 |
发表卷、期、页 |
工商管理 |
1 |
人民公社分配体制的思考 |
安徽农业科学 |
刘丽,向龙斌 |
2008 Vol.36 No.1 P.332-333,352 |
2 |
JH油田企业文化评估模型研究 |
新学术论坛 |
姜 涛 向龙斌 何 鹏 |
2008,第10期 |
3 |
新农村农业经济组织模式的研究 |
乡镇经济 |
何鹏 向龙斌 |
2008年24卷9期 |
4 |
民营高科技企业自主技术创新问题与策略 |
科技管理研究 |
段晓红 |
2008,12 |
5 |
我国资源型企业资源效率管理行为分析及政策建议 |
中国人口、资源与环境 |
谢雄标,严良,程胜 |
2008,(1):207-211 |
6 |
我国资源型企业资源效率管理行为分析及政策建议 |
生态环境与保护 |
谢雄标,严良,程胜 |
2008 5-27 |
7 |
西部矿产资源开发国际合作模式研究 |
中国科技论坛 |
谢雄标,严良 |
2008,(2):53-57 |
8 |
企业战略过程研究述评. |
软科学 |
张琦 |
2008年3期 |
9 |
动态环境下企业战略过程的创造性和复杂性研究, |
软科学 |
张琦 |
2008年10期 |
10 |
高校课堂教学中师生互动关系研究 |
中国水运 |
张琦 |
2008年3期 |
11 |
一种优化的BP神经网络模型及其在石油储层预测中的应用 |
系统管理学报(系统工程理论方法应用) |
刁凤琴 |
2008.17卷.5期:499-503 |
12 |
Study on Petroleum Output Predication Based on RBFNN-Markov Theories |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference On E-Business |
刁凤琴 |
2008.2卷:1068-1073 |
13 |
Research on Trust Problems and Countermeasures in China C2C E-Commerce |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference On E-Business |
陈莲芳、王辉 |
VolumeⅡ:1837-1848 |
14 |
Innovation in China Jewellery Marketing under Electronic Commerce |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference On E-Business |
陈莲芳、熊艳 |
VolumeⅠ:115-122 |
15 |
青海省矿产资源产业集群式开发利用分析 |
中国矿业 |
陈莲芳、严良 |
2008,17(07):19-21 |
16 |
我国西部矿产资源综合评价指标体系的构建 |
中国矿业 |
陈莲芳、严良 |
2008,17(10):24-26 |
17 |
矿产资源可持续发展研究综述 |
科学管理研究 |
陈莲芳、严良 |
2008,26(04):25-29 |
18 |
基于系统视角的营销信用风险管理策略探讨 |
理论月刊 |
陈莲芳 |
2008,12期133-135 |
19 |
人与组织匹配对组织功效的影响 |
华东经济管理 |
王萍,张宽裕 |
2008.1- |
20 |
An Empirical Research on Person-Organization fit: A Study in Chinese High-Tech Organization Context |
The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business: Unlocking the Full Potential of Global Technology |
王萍,王震,王秋真 |
2008 |
21 |
Evaluation of Person-Organization Fit Based on Artificial Neural Network |
Proceedings of 2008 International Conference of Production and Operation Management |
王萍,郭海湘,张宽裕 |
2008 |
22 |
Performance Evaluation of Professional Service Supply Chain based upon DEA&AHP Models |
Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operation and Logistics and Informatics |
Song DX,Huang WL,Xu Y |
2008 |
23 |
Research on Service Supply Chain in the Perspective of Professional Service outsourcing |
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management |
Danxia Song, Yuqing Liu, Yang Xu |
2008 |
24 |
Research on Performance Evaluation System of Service Supply Chain |
Proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Industrial Management |
Danxia Song, Yuqing Liu, Yang Xu |
2008 |
25 |
石油资源型城市可持续发展评价体系实证研究 |
中国国土资源经济 |
熊艳 |
2008(11):20-23 |
26 |
The sustainability of China’s major mining cities |
Resources Policy |
Yu, J., Zhang, Z.J., Zhou, Y.F., |
2008, 33(1):12-22 |
27 |
Construction and Analysis of the University Innovation System: the Case of Hubei Province |
Proceedings of Hangzhou Conference on Management of Technology(MOT 2008), Zhejiang GongShang University Press |
Zhang Zhihe, Wen Wen, Wu Hang |
Zhejiang Gongshang University Press,Hangzhou,2008.5,P357-364 |
28 |
我国创新链中的生产性服务业创新问题研究 |
《技术经济》 |
周国华、张慧,张妍 |
第27卷第7期,2008(7),pp29-32 |
29 |
The Research of Industrial Innovation Resources and Innovation Policy - Based on the Industry Life Cycle |
2008 International Symposium on Marketing(ISM2008) Proceedings, Research and Practice of Service Marketing Management in New-economy Era |
Zhou Guohua, Shen Chao, Huang Li |
Tianjin,2008.5,p401-407 |
30 |
The Status Quo and Trend Analysis of Service Innovation Research |
The proceedings of the 15thInternational Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM2008) |
Zhou Guohua,Zhang Hui, Zhang Yan, yang Wei |
Zhengzhou, P.R. China, China Machine Press,2008.09,pp1484-1492 |
31 |
The Research on the Evaluation Model of University Independent Innovation Capability |
Proceedings of Hangzhou Conference on Management of Technology(MOT 2008), Zhejiang GongShang University Press |
Zhou Guohua,Yuan Yingmei,Wen Wen |
Zhejiang Gongshang University Press,Hangzhou,2008.5,P374-379 |
32 |
The Study on Management Innovation Model of Small-Medium Enterprises---Take Hengdian Group& LINIX Co.,Ltd for example |
10th West Lake International Conference on Small & Medium Business (WLICSMB 2008) |
Zhou Guohua,Yuan Yingmei,Zhou Jing, Cao Shengwei |
2008.1 |
33 |
资源型企业可持续发展探讨 |
统计与决策 |
严良 |
2008 20-186 |
34 |
西部资源产业可持续发展浅析 |
管理学报 |
严良 |
2008 5-692 |
35 |
经济发展与西部资源开发科技合作研究 |
统计与决策 |
严良 |
2008 1-111 |
36 |
西部矿产资源不合理开发的博弈分析 |
煤炭经济研究 |
严良 |
2008 1-51 |
37 |
论西部矿产资源开发利用的中观管理 |
中国国土资源经济 |
严良 |
2008 6-10 |
38 |
国外煤层气开发利用的现状及对我国的启示 |
中国矿业 |
陈懿、杨昌明 |
2008.4-14 |
39 |
煤层煤气赋存规律及影响因素分析 |
地质科技情报 |
2008.3-73-76 |
管理科学 |
1 |
中国农村扶贫项目管理效率的定量分析 |
中国农村经济 |
帅传敏、李周、何晓军、张先锋 |
2008(3):24-32 |
2 |
国家扶贫开发重点县投入绩效的实证分析 |
经济问题 |
帅传敏、梁尚昆、刘松 |
2008(6):84-86 |
3 |
中国农村新世纪扶贫模式:比较与创新 |
郑州航空工业管理学院学报 |
帅传敏、欧青平、何晓军 |
2008(2):87-92 |
4 |
建筑施工企业业主满意度影响因素研究 |
《统计与决策》 |
付晓灵 |
2008年6月:177—179 |
5 |
An Empirical Study of E-Business Implementation Process in China |
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, |
赵晶, Wilfred V. Huang,朱镇 |
2008, 55(1): 134-147 |
6 |
A Study of B2B E-Market in China: E-Commerce Process Perspective |
Information & Management |
赵晶,王珊, Wilfred V. Huang |
2008,45:242-248 |
7 |
Value Creation in B2B E-Markets of China: A Practical Perspective |
The proceeding of 21st Bled eConference eCollaboration |
赵晶,王珊, Wilfred V. Huang |
June 15 - 18, 2008 |
8 |
Impact of Internal Factors on Information Technology Adoption: An Empirical Investigation of Chinese Firms |
《清华大学学报自然科学版》(英文版 |
吴春明,赵晶,夏靓,朱镇 |
2008, 13(3):318-322 |
9 |
基于人工免疫的企业流程案例库三级索引框架 |
《管理学报》 |
王飞,赵晶 |
第5卷第2期222-227页,2008年3月。 |
10 |
基于RBV的旅游电子商务采纳关键成功因素研究 |
旅游学刊 |
朱镇,赵晶,陈静琪,魏晓燕 |
2008, 23(2): 23-28 |
11 |
武汉市现代服务型企业电子商务就绪测评分析 |
中国地质大学学报(社会科学版) |
陈静琪,赵晶 |
2008,8(5):93-97 |
12 |
An E-Business Capabilities Perspective on E-Procurement Process Performance: An Empirical Investigation |
the Proceeding of the Seventh Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business |
吕兰,赵晶 |
2008,May 31-June1, |
13 |
Characteristics of E-business Process Performance: An Empirical Study |
the Proceeding of the Seventh Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business |
魏晓燕,赵晶 |
2008,May 31-June1, |
14 |
The Process of Integrated E-business Strategic Planning: A Resource-based View” |
the Proceeding of the Seventh Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business |
江毅,赵晶 |
2008,May 31-June1, |
15 |
Setting up Model of Forecasting Core Reservoir Parameters by Fusion of Soft Computing Methods |
The 3rd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'07) |
郭海湘,诸克军 |
vol4,2007,8:165-169 |
16 |
Data driven for feature selection based on fusion with soft computing |
The 7th world congress on intelligent control and automation |
郭海湘,诸克军 |
2008,146-148 |
17 |
石油勘探信息管理中储层属性优化方法研究 |
系统管理学报(系统工程理论方法应用) |
郭海湘,诸克军 |
17(1),2008:87-93 |
18 |
中国及各地区教育经济贡献率的软计算 |
中国软科学 |
郭海湘,诸克军 |
2008,9:28-39 |
19 |
GA-BP嵌套算法的理论及应用 |
数学的实践与认识 |
郭海湘,诸克军 |
38(1),2008:116-125 |
20 |
基于软计算的含油性模糊规则提取 |
计算机科学 |
郭海湘,诸克军 |
2007, 34(8.A),50-58 |
21 |
An Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Solving Bilevel Linear Programming Problem |
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics |
WANG Guangmin et al. |
2007,28(12):1605-1612 |
22 |
最优发电企业数量与规模的二层规划模型 |
武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版) |
王广民等 |
2007,31(6):999-1002 |
23 |
Genetic algorithm based on simplex method for solving linear-quadratic bilevel programming problem |
Computers & Mathematics with Applications |
Guangmin Wang et al. |
2008,56 :2550–2555 |
24 |
A neural network approach for solving nonlinear bilevel programming problem |
Computers & Mathematics with Applications |
Yibing Lv, Tiesong Hu, Guangmin Wang et al. |
2008,55 :2550–2555 |
25 |
基于电子商务能力的电子采购流程绩效实证研究 |
中国地质大学学报(社会科学版) |
吕兰,赵晶 |
2008,8(6):98-101 |
26 |
Investigation of Critical Success Factors in e-Business Adoption by Chinese Travel Firms: A Resource-based Perspective” |
the Proceeding of Seventh Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB2008) |
朱镇,赵晶,魏晓燕,陈静琪 |
May31- June1,2008, pp 3521-3524 |
27 |
Evolutionary Algorithms for Multiple Allocation Hub Set Covering Problem |
翁克瑞(kerui weng) |
408-411 |
28 |
An Extensible Architecture for Personalized Information Services in An Ambient Intelligence Environment |
Guo Mingjing(第一作者) |
29 |
An Architecture for Digital Library Information Service in An Ambient Intelligence Environment |
Guo Mingjing(第一作者) |
30 |
面向国家创新的信息资源配置目标控制与模型构建 |
情报理论与时间 |
郭明晶(第一作者) |
2008年第6期 |
31 |
分布式信息资源协同配置机制研究 |
图书情报工作 |
郭明晶(第二作者) |
2008年第6期 |
32 |
基于邻域粗糙集与支持向量机的油层识别研究 |
计算机工程与应用 |
孙涵;诸克军 |
2008.30-219-222 |
33 |
基于GEP的经济时间序列组合预测方法研究 |
科技管理研究 |
贺勇;诸克军;黄毓芝 |
2008.5-180-182 |
34 |
基于FCM和RS的矿产资源竞争力评价 |
系统工程 |
孙涵;诸克军 |
2008.4-61-66 |
35 |
作业成本法下的企业成本控制 |
煤炭经济研究 |
王德银;诸克军 |
Sep-08 |
旅游 |
1 |
Promoting Dark Tourism by Taking the Opportunity of the Expo |
"Mega Events & Urban Tourism" Proceedings of The 2nd ITSA Bi-annual Conference |
Can Huang & Junxia Zhang |
ISBN 978-988-17951-1-3,P88 |
2 |
公民旅游文明素质缺失的原因及对策分析 ——由旅游不文明行为说起 |
武汉大学“礼仪教育与中部崛起”研讨会论文 |
刘 军 |
3 |
城市居民环城游憩满意度评价 |
消费经济 |
李江敏 |
2008.3 |
4 |
武汉城市圈综合配套改革试验区环城游憩带发展对策初探 |
理论月刊 |
李江敏 |
2008.7 |
5 |
Expectation-perceived performance of urban dwellers in ReBAM: An empirical research on Wuhan city |
Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) |
li Jiangmin |
Vol.24 Sup June 2008 |
6 |
Satisfaction of Urban Dwellers on Recreation around Metropolis |
The seventh E-business conference |
李江敏 |
2008.5 |
7 |
网络营销与传统营销在旅行社业的整合 |
全国商情(经济理论研究) |
李江敏 |
2008.3 |
8 |
国内利益相关者理论应用研究回顾 |
商业研究 |
肖拥军 |
2008年第7期,P36-38 |
9 |
黄土高原生态旅游开发的优势及前景分析 |
资源开发与市场 |
李会琴 |
2008.2 |
10 |
汇率变化对美国旅华市场影响的实证分析 |
消费经济 |
柴海燕 |
2008(5)67-70 |
11 |
精准营销在旅游电子商务领域的应用研究 |
商业时代 |
柴海燕 |
2008(7) |
12 |
风景名胜资源产权制度的诱致性变迁研究 |
国土资源科技管理 |
柴海燕 |
2008(4)49-62 |
13 |
汇率波动对美国旅华市场的影响及对策分析 |
价格理论与实践 |
柴海燕 |
2008(10)62-63 |
14 |
区位优势弱化与武汉城市圈的战略定位 |
改革与战略 |
柴海燕 |
2008(12) |
15 |
A Preliminary Study on E-Business System of World Geoparks in China |
第七届武汉电子商务国际会议论文集 |
鄢志武 |
2008.5;798-802页 |
16 |
我国地质公园电子商务发展现状及对策探讨 |
商场现代化 |
鄢志武 |
2008.1;189-190页 |
17 |
论宝通禅寺宗教旅游的产业开发 |
特区经济 |
员工、鄢志武 |
2008.11期;170-171页 |
会计 |
1 |
高校与科研机构的三大检索论文产出比较 |
中国高教研究 |
查道林 储祖旺 |
200809(62-65) |
2 |
教育部直属高校与中科院科技活动之比较 |
高等教育研究 |
查道林 |
200807(30-37) |
3 |
以提高教育质量为中心创新高校财务管理工作 |
中国高等教育 |
查道林 朱明 |
2008(8)-53-55 |
4 |
三大国家科技创新主体的创新能力比较研究 |
中国软科学 |
查道林 |
200802-144-152 |
5 |
我国高校教育成本核算方法探讨 |
财会月刊 |
查道林 马晓霞 |
200803-54-55 |
6 |
两级市场下矿业权收益的探讨 |
财会月刊(理论版) |
查道林 冯永志 |
200801-67-68 |
7 |
矿业上市公司资本结构影响因素实证分析 |
财会通讯 |
查道林 杨蓓 |
200804-26-28 |
8 |
三大主体在国家科技创新中的功能定位及整合 |
中国地质大学学报(社会科学版) |
查道林 |
200803-96-98 |
9 |
The Study on the Earnings Implications and Market Valuation of Recurring Nonrecurring Items |
李江涛 |
2008. Vol.Ⅱ1738-1743 |
10 |
公司投资决策中的非理性行为及其影响 |
财会月刊 |
金春来(第一作者) |
2008.11:59-61 |
11 |
货币供应量对通货膨胀影响的实证研究 |
世界华商经济年鉴 |
金春来(第二作者) |
2008.7 |
12 |
关于我国会计准则中几个问题的探讨 |
财会月刊 |
叶新宇(第二作者) |
2008.9-7 |
13 |
产品生命周期成本核算模式的选择与构建 |
财会月刊 |
杨亚萍(第一作者) |
2008.3-71 |
14 |
环境信息披露的实证研究—来自中国证券市场化工行业的经验数据 |
中国人口资源与环境 |
李鹏飞(第二作者) |
20080.5 |
15 |
细化财务预算,强化成本管理 |
财会通讯(理财版) |
李鹏飞(第二作者) |
2008.8 |
16 |
教育税与财政性教育资金投入不足问题的研究 |
生产力研究 |
李鹏飞 |
2008.9 |
17 |
Does corporate market performance affect environmental information disclosure? |
The Global Studies Journal |
李鹏飞 |
accepted for publication.2008 |
18 |
浅谈企业核心竞争力价值实现中投资决策方法的选择 |
财会通讯 |
周远祺 |
2008.2-47-48 |
19 |
美国会计师事务所开展职业判断能力培训的研究 |
科技与企业 |
李斌(第二作者) |
2008.1-18 |
20 |
会计理论的市场化传播研究 |
商业时代 |
李斌(第一作者) |
2008.4.11-82 |
21 |
会计师事务所人力资本激励机制的研究 |
中国市场 |
李斌(第二作者) |
2008.6-74 |
22 |
专家职业活动与公民隐私权保护 |
法制与经济 |
李斌 |
2008.6-33 |
23 |
企业人力资本投资与结构性资产配置 |
中国乡镇企业会计 |
李斌(第二作者) |
2008.7-108 |
24 |
价值网络理论在中国跨国公司物流供应链中的应用研究 |
中国市场 |
李斌(第二作者) |
2008.11-124 |
经济 |
1 |
湖北农村工业化与耕地面积的协整分析 |
统计与决策 |
吕军 |
2008.20-113 |
2 |
基于生态足迹模型的石嘴山市生态经济可持续性评价 |
中国地质大学学报(社科版) |
李泽红,董锁成,汤尚颖,李斌 |
2008(3) |
3 |
武汉城市圈“两型社会”体制机制建设研究 |
社会科学文献出版社 |
汤尚颖,程胜 |
2008年4月 |
4 |
建设中国特色循环经济体系构想 |
理论探索 |
李泽红,董锁成,汤尚颖 |
2008(1) |
5 |
基于流域综合管理视角的中部地区和谐发展研究 |
宏观经济研究 |
汤尚颖 |
2008(7)-45-49 |
6 |
创新学务指导方式,提高培养员工的质量 |
陈艳,汤尚颖 |
7 |
相对资源承载力模型的改进及其实证分析 |
资源科学 |
李泽红,董锁成,汤尚颖 |
2008第30卷,第9期 |
8 |
武汉城市圈“两型社会”体制机制建设初探 |
湖南社会科学 |
汤尚颖 |
2008(5) |
9 |
区域融合与区域空间形态创新研究 |
宏观经济研究 |
汤尚颖 |
2008(11)-33-37 |
10 |
我国矿山环境与治理政策创新 |
中国矿业 |
刘江宜 |
2008年第11期-43 |
11 |
人口健康:从生物医学模式到生态系统途径 |
人口研究 |
朱雅丽 |
2008.6-54-58 |
12 |
中国地质调查布局与区域经济发展关系研究 |
理论月刊 |
刘云忠,高丽,成金华 |
2008.2-99-103 |
13 |
地勘投入产出机理与中央地质勘查基金运营 |
中国矿业 |
刘云忠(第三) |
2008.3 |
14 |
湖北在中部崛起战略支点构建中的资源环境政策问题 |
中国地质大学学报(社会科学版) |
刘云忠 |
2008.2-60-65 |
15 |
公益性矿产地质工作投入产出与绩效评价研究 |
中国国土资源经济 |
刘云忠,尤孝才,高丽,成金华 |
2008.6-24-26,29 |
16 |
新时期地质调查发展战略研究——农业地质工作在和谐农村建设中的战略作用 |
中国土地科学 |
刘云忠(第二) |
2007.12 |
17 |
城镇独生子女父母年老奖励补助政策落实难的原因分析及政策创新原则 |
南京人口管理干部学院学报 |
李通屏 |
2008、1 |
18 |
城镇独生子女父母年老奖励补助政策:现状、问题与创新 |
河南教育学院学报 |
李通屏 |
2008、2 |
19 |
外部性内在化与城镇独生子女年父母老奖励补助政策 |
人口学刊 |
李通屏、周美林 |
2008年第5期48-55 |
20 |
外部性内在化与城镇独生子女父母年老奖励补助政策 |
人口学与计划生育 |
李通屏、周美林 |
2008年第6期 |
21 |
农村电力需求的影响因素 |
中国农村经济 |
彭武元(第一作者) |
2008年第6期 |
22 |
我国流动人口行为的影响因素分析 |
中国地质大学学报(社科版) |
段平忠 |
2008(1) |
23 |
我国人口流动对区域经济增长收敛效应的影响 |
人口与经济 |
段平忠 |
2008(4) |
24 |
1978年以来我国地区差距形成过程中人口流动的影响分析 |
中国人口资源与环境 |
段平忠 |
2008(5) |
25 |
改革开放以来我国经济增长地区差距的分布 |
理论月刊 |
段平忠 |
2008(11) |
26 |
城市群内城乡统筹的理论基础与现实依据 |
中国人口资源与环境 |
李彦军 |
2008.5:46-52 |
27 |
京津冀人口流动与统筹城乡发展 |
中国人口科学 |
李彦军(第二) |
2008.2:57-64 |
28 |
都市圈的空间界定方法研究—以武汉都市圈为例 |
理论与改革 |
李彦军 |
2008.4:150-153 |
29 |
湖北省循环经济评价指标体系的模型构建及实证检验 |
统计与决策 |
朱冬元 刘婧 |
2008.22 P84——88 |
30 |
我国循环经济综合指标体系研究 |
生态经济 |
杨浩 朱冬元 |
2008.6 P52---55 |
31 |
2007年中国医药行业投资分析报告 |
中国风险投资 |
朱冬元 |
2008年第七卷第一期P45--P50 |
32 |
国务院《关于加快服务业发展若干政策的实施意见》的背景、政策取向及影响分析 |
中国风险投资 |
朱冬元 |
2008年第七卷第二期P16--P21 |
33 |
《关于小额贷款公司试点指导意见》解读 |
中国风险投资 |
朱冬元 |
2008年第七卷第三期P18--P23 |
34 |
我国矿产资源生态补偿政策取向研究 |
中国国土资源报 |
朱冬元、邹伟进 |
2008年6月13日第6版 |
35 |
Research on China's Modern Lonistics under E-Commerce Environment |
The Sevnth Wuhan International Conference on E-Businnes |
李玉凯、朱冬元 |
May 31-June 1 2008 Volume I P363--367 |
36 |
德国发展可再生能源的实践和启示 |
理论月刊 |
邹伟进 陈伟 |
2008年第6期-144-147 |
37 |
地方政府对地质灾害防治投资的经济学分析 |
中国软科学 |
陈彪,张锦高,吕军,张慧 |
2008,(9):20-26 |
38 |
中央与地方政府在地质灾害防治投资中的决策行为研究 |
生态经济 |
陈彪,张锦高 |
2008,(10):128-130 |
国贸 |
1 |
新经济地理视角中的城市集聚理论述评 |
经济学动态 |
李金滟( |
2008(11):89-94 |
2 |
专业化、多样化与城市集聚经济 |
管理世界 |
李金滟 |
2008(2):25-34 |
3 |
制度演化与企业家创业的共时关联 |
制度经济学研究 |
肖建忠(1) |
2008(第19辑):45-62 |
4 |
Developing the Small Business Market for Business Development Services in Chengdu |
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development |
肖建忠(第二作者) |
2008,15(4):656-674 |
5 |
再论创业企业的性质 |
武汉理工大学学报 |
肖建忠(1) |
2008(2):285-289 |
6 |
中国高科技新创企业的行为特点:一种结构化的分析路径 |
科技管理研究 |
肖建忠(2) |
2008(6): |
7 |
乡镇财政与财力分析-浙江省温岭市泽国镇财政运行状况调查 |
中国社科院研究生院学报 |
肖建忠(6) |
8 |
基于创业型企业的内部治理结构研究——以上海市创业型企业为例 |
当代经济管理 |
肖建忠(2) |
2008(1):32-35 |
9 |
金融学教育的人才培育机制研究 |
湖北第二师范学院学报 |
洪水峰(1) |
2008(5):107-108 |
10 |
矿产资源的代际成本及其补偿 |
国土资源科技管理 |
洪水峰(1) |
2008(5):20-23 |
11 |
我国绿色电力产业发展的对策建议——引进国际绿色电力制度的瓶颈分析 |
价格理论与实践 |
洪水峰(1) |
2008(10):74-75 |
12 |
共同演化及其空间隐喻 |
中国地质大学学报(社会科学版) |
刘志高,王缉慈 |
2008(4): 85-91 |
13 |
演化经济地理学:21世纪的经济地理学 |
社会科学战线 |
刘志高,崔岳春 |
2008(6):65-75 |
14 |
演化经济地理学:新范式还是“新瓶装旧酒” |
演化与创新经济评论 |
刘志高,崔岳春,李敏 |
2008(2) |
15 |
能源消费背景下中国的环境质量与公众健康 |
管理学报 |
陈军、成金华、白永亮 |
2008(4) |
16 |
对构建《投资经济学》精品课程的若干思考 |
中国科教创新导刊 |
倪琳、邓宏兵、吴巧生、刘江宜、徐翔 |
2008(2):177-179 |
17 |
产业集群治理:结构、机制与模式——兼论我国产业集群治理存在的主要问题及对策建议 |
宏观经济研究 |
杨树旺 |
2008.1、31-35 |
18 |
基于产业链分解的中小企业集群服务体系建设——湖北典型企业集群的调研分析 |
宏观经济研究 |
杨树旺 |
2008.9、53-57 |
19 |
产业集群治理理论研究综述与展望 |
工业技术经济 |
易明、杨树旺 |
2009.9-68-71 |
20 |
湖北省中小企业信用担保体系建设思考 |
湖北社会科学 |
杨树旺 |
2008.7、69-71 |
21 |
Industry Cluster Governance and It's Performance Evaluation Based on Good Governance |
International Conference on Product Innovation Management |
杨树旺 |
October 25-26,2008 |
统计 |
1 |
石油特别收益金:基于公共财政和产权理论视角分析 |
管理世界 |
吴巧生 |
2008.2-178 |
2 |
国外产业集群理论演进与发展研究 |
学习与实践 |
邓宏兵 |
2008(4):48-54 |
3 |
清江水布垭旅游区特色旅游资源开发之探讨 |
湖北社会科学 |
莫明浩 任宪友 邓宏兵 |
2008(6):64-66 |
4 |
中国能源消费与GDP关系的再检验——基于省际面板数据的实证分析 |
数量经济技术经济研究 |
吴巧生 |
2008.6:27-40 |
5 |
突破能源约束的国际比较及对中国的启示 |
宏观经济研究 |
吴巧生 |
2008.4:85-95 |
6 |
人文发展与能源消费相关性国际比较及启示 |
华中科技大学学报(人文社科版) |
余国合、吴巧生 |
2008.1 |
院直学工 |
1 |
专业向左,兴趣向右 |
做人与处世 |
邓云涛 |
2008.1 |
2 |
奖学金新政冲击高校管理 |
中国青年报 |
邓云涛、张建华 |
2008.8.29 |
3 |
贫困生资助勿重评选轻教育 |
中国教育报 |
邓云涛、瞿祥华 |
2008.12.26 |